Monday 25 April 2011

How Igloos Work

I'm still not ENTIRELY sure what the point of a blog is, unless you have something incredibly profound and important to say. I, like 99.99999% of the population am neither profound nor important. Unless my acceptance and awareness of the futility and insignificance of my own existence means I am,in fact,profound? Ooooh I sound all smart like.

Things I did today:

-I woke up at 5.30 am due to pretty inexplicable excruciating pain radiating throughout my entire body. This is a recurring event and I should probably see a doctor about it at some point just so, you know, it's not cancer or anything. As I've just realised how bleak it is to begin a blog by highlighting the possibility of the author dying slowly and painfully in the near future, here is a picture of a baby panda.

Look at this adorable mother-fucker.

-I learnt about Issiah Berlin's pluralism, before realising that if three years of studying Philosophy literally taught me nothing about philosophy I probably wont be come the next Bertrand Russell any time soon. Which is a shame because, well, look at him.

-I read some more of Stalingrad. Am I an idiot, or is it not as amazingly life-changing as everyone says? Having said that, I'm currently on page 60 and it is 480 pages long.

-I watched five episodes of The Wire,and have subsequently come up with several systematic plans on how I can win the war on drugs single handedly. One involves shooting baby pandas out of cannons into the mansions of drug barons. There's no greater drug than the dopamine produced when cuddling a critically endangered creature.

-I resurrected my blog, though I currently have only one follower. It would almost be less embarrassing if I had none at all, at least then I could claim "the settings are weird, and I cant figure out how to change them". Speaking of which, the settings on my blog are weird and I cant figure out how to change them.


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